Chaddesley Corbett Parish Council are consulted on all planning applications in the parish. Although not a planning authority, the District Council consider our representations and policies contained within our adopted Neighbourhood Plan when considering whether to grant planning permission.
Planning applications are considered at the beginning of Parish Council meetings and residents are invited to attend and make their own representations about planning applications being considered. They are allowed 3 minutes to make their representations. Whilst Councillors are unable to enter into discussion about individual applications, they do take these representations into consideration when deciding on whether or not to support the application.
Full information on forthcoming applications is available from the District Council website
Details of planning applications for consideration by the next Chaddesley Corbett meeting are shown on the Agenda for that meeting, which is available from the Minutes and Agendas page of this website.
Any written representations should be sent to the Clerk at least 7 days before the applications are considered by the Parish Council
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